GAPS Update

Since various people have asked for an update on how GAPS is going, I thought I’d provide one. I think it’s going well. We’re still struggling to convince the kids to eat more than a couple dishes, but have seen significant improvement in the temper tantrum department. This week our youngest made significant strides in her overall attitude. When we were on full GAPS, we saw a huge improvement in her ADD/sensory integration issues, which promptly disappeared once we started GAPS intro. It’s not lost progress, it’s just hidden under the intense detoxification/healing process we’re in. Sadly, unrelated to GAPS, I’ve lost a lot of my health progress. However, unlike past relapses (of which I’ve had several), I was able to hand onto some progress, which has been such an encouragement/testimony to the efficacy of GAPS.

Lately, as I think about GAPS and other natural health things we’re doing, I’ve been feeling so incredibly blessed that God has changed our mindset. I can’t imagine what I would be doing if I was still hunting down a diagnosis and treating symptoms. I absolutely love this process of rebuilding my health one step at a time–or at least I love the concept, if not the experience. 🙂

It’s also been incredibly freeing in the weight department. I feel like most of my teenage/adult life I’ve felt the pressure to lose weight–both from an appearance standpoint and from a back pain standpoint. However, now that I’ve learned how gaining weight is my body’s defense mechanism to keep toxins from killing me and that I’ll lose said weight once I’m healthy, I’ve put away the scale. It’s a pretty nice feeling!

Anyway! Back to GAPS progress: we’ve all had fewer headaches and I think I’m doing better at controlling my temperature (or maybe it’s just the milder outdoor temperatures). Eczema seems to be less, though still present. And, as I said, there’s been a reduction in the ADD/sensory integration issues, which is a huge blessing!

Thanks so much for your prayers and support as we continue to grow in health!

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